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Florida - Magic Kingdom - Day 2 Part 2 2018-05-31

Continuing our day at the Magic Kingdom, it's tradition to have to photos in front of the castle, so immediately following our tasty dinner at The Plaza we headed straight for the castle.
Getting a family photo. So far this trip we've had photos in front of Spaceship Earth, The Chinese Theater, and now Cinderella's Castle.

Our timing couldn't have been better, because the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It Parade was coming down the street and we had front row seats.

King Louie stopped right in front of us and invited the kids into the street to give him a hug.

And then it was dance party time. All the kids and even some adults headed into the street to start dancing.

The kids had fun dancing and jumping around. At least for the first few minutes. About 10 minutes into it, Ian asked "Is this ever going to stop?" Time to go I guess.

Through the castle and on to our next ride.

Over at Winnie the Pooh, the downside of going through the fastpass line is that you completely miss the honey walls. Ian remembered the honey walls even before we got to the ride, so he wanted to make sure he got to see them. Where fastpass combines with the regular line, we went forwards and he went backwards. Because the standby queue goes right beside the rest of the line, once he got to the end of the honey walls, I lifted him back over to join us.

I like this version of Winnie the Pooh more than what we've got back home. A lot less plywood cutouts here, plus they've got some fun effects.

The exit going directly to the gift shop gives Alli the opportunity to give lots of hugs to all the animals.

And Jacob's got to take off too. Good to see you!

A short time later, it started drizzling, and shortly after that it started pouring. We all found shelter as quickly as possible under an overhang.

They look pretty cute in their ponchos.

I guess everyone needs to come out of the rain. We had to make room for Winnie the Pooh.

And Tigger made his way back too. They both went quickly backstage.

The walkway was amazingly flooded. So much rain in such a short time created a fun splash pool for the kids who had changes of clothes.

Now that the rain is clear, it was time to head out for more rides. I only had 2 fastpasses for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and T's never been on it before. She took Ian for a thrilling ride through their mine. Looks like they had a good time.

The rest of us hopped into a cup of tea (pink of course).

Alli enjoyed spinning us.

And got a real kick out of Pop Pop's reactions.

One classic that I have to get in each visit is the Carousel of Progress. Even the kids are loving it.

Ian sat front and center all by himself for it.

Once we got out, it was raining yet again. These ponchos from Walmart have really come in handy.

Once she thinks she knows where she's going, watch out. This little girl will take off on you.

We're nearing the end of the day and it's time to do a few kid specific things. All the girls headed over to Fantasyland.

Where they enjoyed the Enchanted Tales with Belle.


All the boys headed to Frontierland.

Where we would all board a log flume and visit Brer Rabbit.

I love our photo.

After the ride, we still had a little time before we had to meet up with the girls. We took a spin on Aladdin's Magic Carpet.

I told Ian that if he rubs the lamp, he gets three wishes. Despite his best efforts he couldn't reach the lamp in the middle. He enjoyed flying the carpet higher and higher and trying though.

What would be our last ride of the night. Goofy's Sky School. Alli likes to go fast, and this looks enough like Gadget's Go-Coaster back home that she's excited.

Both kids loved it. As we were finishing up, fireworks were starting.

Having already missed the opportunity to get a good view, we slowly walked towards the exit. We've already seen that the lines to the monorail can get backed up immediately after fireworks. We're getting a jump on them and only had to wait 5 minutes.

She doesn't look tired, does she?

Another fun day at the parks! Tomorrow we go to the Animal Kingdom!

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