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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2017

After the Eclipse

After seeing the amazing eclipse and then chatting with the people parked next to us for half an hour it was time to head back home. Little did we know there was another fun adventure awaiting us. With everyone clearing out, we all took a closer look at the church and the cemetery. Ian asked what all those headstones were... I told him I'd explain later.  The cemetery is really well maintained here. When we pulled up, the caretaker Richard said they were asking for a $20 donation to help with the maintenance of the cemetery. After the craziness we'd been through today, I was happy to part with $20 for a spot with a decent view. Inside the church, we found Richard again. We chatted briefly about the history of the church. When we told the kids it was time to go and to say "Thank You", they both ran over to give Richard a hug. Sweet kids.   While the kids were running around making friends earlier, they came across Mimi (Melanie) who gave them cheese and crackers. They...

Chasing the 2017 Eclipse

Monday, August 14th, 11pm. T minus 6 days, 12 hours before the eclipse Theresa - "We should go see the eclipse!" Joe - "Sounds like fun!" What followed next was a mad scramble to get flights booked, a rental car reserved, lodging figured out, plus whatever else we'd need for the trip. But whenever you give T a goal, you know she'll be amazing at figuring out how to make it all work. First stop was the NASA Interactive Eclipse Tracker . What an awesome resource for helping us pick the best spot for viewing. So the path of totality (where the sun is completely covered by the moon) is going from east to west inside those two blue lines. The closer you get to the red line, the longer the total eclipse will last. The longest duration this time is 2 minutes and 40.2 seconds. Let's see how we are in Los Angeles! Well I guess that's not really a surprise. Los Angeles is too far south to see a total eclipse. Best case here is 61% coverage. Hmm. We need to do ...